Milano and West Lombardy - Day 2 Welcome to the Italian Lake District! Our journey to West Lombardy has started…
Cured meats from West Lombardy
Cured meats from West Lombardy The plains of Lombardy are an ideal location to raise cattle, so beef has…
Cheeses from West Lombardy
Cheeses from West Lombardy Lombardy, as we seen in the first part of our journey, is the most populous and…
Milano and West Lombardy – Day 1
Milano and West Lombardy - Day 1 If you've already decided to visit Italy in 2015 but you're not sure where…
Panzerotto pugliese
I got the inspiration to write this post of Tigellae’s Street food school yesterday, by looking at a very bright…
Arancini siciliani
Our Street food school continues with the most famous and widely available Sicilian street food: the arancino (plur. arancini). For…
Bread in Italy: spoilt for choice
Bread in Italy: spoilt for choice In this section of the Tigellae blog (Know your dough – Natural yeast and…
Natural yeast and wheat intolerance
Good bread is good for you Italy simply loves bread. Each Italian annually consumes an average of almost 70 kilos…